MOOCHUU Lebanon: Your Destination for Stylish and Durable Flip flops and Sandals

Our high-quality products have already made waves in over 15 countries, from Thailand to Italy, the UK to Oman, and beyond. We are proud to be the official distributor of this brand, bringing the latest trends in footwear to Lebanon. 

Step up your style with our super comfortable, robust, and colorful footwear. Hand-assembled in Lebanon using quality materials, our ready-to-wear pairs are perfect for any occasion.

Looking for something more unique? Contact us to create a custom pair in your favorite colors!

From city strolling to beach partying, we’ve got you covered with classic, cute, and colorful options designed to be long-lasting companions. Plus, our shoes are waterproof and washable with non-slip soles.

Shop our collection today and join us in experiencing the best of MOOCHUU.

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Source: MOO CHUU Italy